Hand Batiked
All of our Hand Batiked pieces are dyed by a Master Artisan in Malawi and then produced by the female tailors of Mayamiko.
The pattern you see on our Terra pieces is accomplished through a batik process where wax is stamped onto locally sourced, cotton fabric with a cut sponge. It is a slow process as the artisan works in 10-15cm (4-6in) increments. The background color is then painstakingly mixed using only primary color dyes. Once the piece is fully waxed and dried, the piece can be dyed. From there the female tailors at Mayamiko cut and create our scarves, utilizing the trade skills gained through various training programs.
Our partner in Malawi, Mayamiko, is a London-based on-profit working to change how we source our fashion products, while creating new opportunities for income generation in Malawi. They use only locally sourced goods, sponsor training and educational opportunities, ensure a transparent supply chain and adhere to the principles of the Ethical Trade Initiative. For each piece that well sell, we give back 10% to the female tailors of Mayamiko in the form of scholarships to be used for additional training and education opportunities.
Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world with half of the population living in extreme poverty and an average life expectancy of only 41 years. Education is not compulsory and HIV has had a large negative impact on the economy. Through organizations such as Mayamiko, new sustainable jobs are being created, allowing for more reliable household income and opening the door for children's education.